The castle kitchens

The castle kitchens

The castle’s old kitchen was located on the ground floor, between the wine cellar and the stables, well separated from the rest of the rooms to prevent possible fires. The information that archaeology has yielded is limited, but apart from the bread oven that has survived, there was also a large fireplace, storage and food processing areas, as well as a servants’ dining area.

Peter III the Ceremonious (1319-1387) in the Ordenacions sobre el regiment de tots los officials de la sua cort (Ordinances on the regimentation of all the offices of his court), regulated the tasks of the servants, mentioning cup bearers, bottle servers, water carriers, bakers, kneaders, head cooks, buyers, as well as the need for menuciers, who knew the seasonal foods and the daily menus. The meals were very abundant and varied, including vegetables, cereals, fruits, fish, manufactured products and, especially, meats.