Virtual reconstruction of the Iberian monument of Cal Posastre.

The origins of settlement in the territory

The castle in medieval and modern times

The architecture of the medieval castle

Reconstruction of the castle

The Festejadors: a window to the outside world

Sibil·la de Fortià, Countess-Queen of the House of Barcelona

The municipality

Farming up to the 19th century

Phylloxera in the Penedès

The transformation of the countryside in the 20th century

Trade, tourism and vineyards, the driving forces of the 21st century

The castle kitchens

The fate of the Queen Sibil·la

The Castell dels Santmartí

The lands surrounding the castle

The Monumental Complex on the hill of la Roca

The Church of Santa Maria

The romanesque Apse of Santa Maria

The valley viewpoint

The Foix viewpoint